加拿大亞伯達大學(University of Alberta)研究生邁凱拉(Ryan McKellar),曾仔細研究這所大學和皇家泰瑞爾古生物學博物館(Royal Tyrrell Museumof Palaeontology)所保存的4000多個琥珀樣本。
邁凱拉所發現的化石,顏色從褐色到黑色都有,保存在樹脂內,後來變成琥珀,是從加拿大西南部亞伯達省草湖(Grassy Lake)附近知名的琥珀沉積岩層中出土。
Pigmented FeathersOverview of 16 clumped feather barbs |
Simple PigmentsOverview of 6 pigmented feather barbs. |
A clear exampleAn isolated, unpigmented feather barb and a mite preserved in Canadian Late Cretaceous amber. |
Curly CoilsThe cork-screw shaped structures in the image are the tightly coiled bases of feather barbules. |
Brown FeathersPigmentation in these feathers gives it a beaded appearance. Pigment in the feather suggests it would have been medium- or dark-brown in color. |